Google have recently added callout ad extensions to Google AdWords. They allow businesses to provide more detail about their business and what they can offer.

They appear like sitelinks but the difference is they can’t be clicked. So it is best to think of them like bullet points, snippets of extra information to help the person searching know that your advert is what they are looking for.

Callouts can be added and edited when you create campaigns and amended and updated anytime. They can appear at the top and the bottom of Google search results, but not on the right hand side.

Why use callouts?

Callouts represent a great opportunity to highlight what can you offer that is unique from everyone else. Whether it is free shipping, personal service or the fact that you are an award winning business.

What can you include in your callouts?

Some good examples include:

• Free delivery
• 24 hour customer service
• Price matching
• Money back guarantee
• Order online
• Checkatrade Registered
• National support
• 1 hour response
• Guaranteed

Your ad already includes sitelinks however your business will still have unique offerings that you want to promote to customers. By including callouts you can highlight benefits to customers which can potentially make your company stand out from others. The larger ad format will also be of benefit.

Are you an existing Tann Westlake AdWords customer? We will be adding in callout extensions as part of your monthly management.