Halloween is a great time of year, everyone gets to dress up, celebrate and eat a lot of chocolate. So we’re celebrating this wondrous occasion by looking at some of the best halloween branding and advertising that has been released so far this year.

1. Cadbury Mini Rolls – In classic cadbury fashion their mini roll packaging has some added ghouly phrases and colours. They’ve been claimed as being ‘dead tasty’ as well as being covered in jam to look like blood. They’ve even designed a broom packet for all those witches and wizards out there, have a look at their great packaging below.Cadbury-Halloween-2015-Pages-3200-x-2000-Broom-1002x626 Cadbury-Halloween-2015-Pages-3200-x-2000-MiniRolls-1002x626

2. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups – In this special halloween advert by chocolate giant Hershey’s, they have produced a fun minute long spot featuring the infamous headless horseman and his pumpkin head. The pumpkin simply asks the body to pass him a peanut butter cup but it is made into a harder task than originally thought, have a look at the ad here:


3. Airbnb – The ever innovative company have created a halloween competition like no other, they are offering two lucky winners the chance to spend halloween night in the paris catacombs, with 6 million resting souls. We love this creative PR campaign, creating an increasing interest in airbnb, raising awareness of their brand as well as offering an exclusive experience, they’ve covered all the bases of a great PR stunt.airbnb-catacombs-hed-2015 airbnb_catacombs

4. Snickers – In true Halloween style, snicker’s have created an extremely eerie advert: with a suspicious man; a heavy, full black bag; and a set of serious tools, they set the scene for a scary-film style advert. Little do the audience know that the man is actually an artist and has a bag full of pumpkins that he is going to turn into some incredible characters. They’ve played on the connotations of Halloween to create an advert that isn’t exactly what it seems to be in the beginning.


5. Target – The Millennial generation is getting more and more dependant on the internet, they spend the majority of their time online. So American supermarket, Target, have created an interactive 360° series of videos inside the ‘House on Hallow Hill’. Each room has a different scary theme, of which you get to see come to life, the storyline throughout the videos is to find a raven that has stolen your phone. As well as being a fun experience, it also has links to the target website so you can shop for things you like in each room.


6. Pizza Hut – In order to ‘win at Halloween’ Pizza Hut (in collaboration with Pepsi) have released a ‘Buzzfeed-style’ video online, full of tips and hints into how to be the best at Halloween. It shows examples of costumes, kids, animals and adults alike all dressed up, as well as a series of terrible treats that people receive from trick or treating. Their response to having the best treats is just to have pizza for everyone, possibly unrealistic, but will ensure you win at Halloween.


From chocolate packaging to an online interactive experience, companies are becoming more and more innovative each year and we can’t wait to see what happens next year!