One of the things I love most about my job is getting the chance to hear lots of different business ideas. Recently a client contacted me about a website they had created as a side project after spotting an opportunity in the market. After attending their first trade show and receiving over 500 enquiries, which they didn’t expect, the reality of having a real business with huge potential hit them. It was at this point that they contacted us for some guidance and help. Firstly they had to establish what they needed to do in order to get their website up to scratch, then understand their digital marketing strategy, and finally, know what kind of PR campaign would they need.

This got me thinking about some of the things that need to be considered when starting a business;

Be a Believer 

First and foremost, are you passionate about the idea? Because when things get tough it’s the real fervency that will keep you going. If you have the passion and belief, then so will everyone else.

Get Googling 

Do your research. Who are your competitors, how well are they doing? Who is your target audience? I can’t stress enough how important research is. Set up a market research survey through a platform like Survey Monkey. Without it, you’re going in blind.

Dream Big

Set a goal. Write it down on paper, on your phone, in your head, wherever works best for you. Where do you want to see your business in a year or two? What do YOU want to achieve in business? And don’t be scared to think big, as Richard Branson once said “If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough.”

The blue print

Create a business plan. This allows you to focus on your goals, consider your USP’s, the long term strategies, investments etc. It is, as the name suggests, a plan of your business, and vital if you’re seeking investment or a loan.

And we’re off

Don’t delay and start now. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”