lock with gdpr written on it sitting on a laptop keyboard

What’s happening with GDPR? 

In the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape, navigating Google’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) changes can be a minefield. Luckily, here at Tann Westlake we have summarised some of the latest key updates to keep you informed.

Google’s EU User Consent Policy, since launching in 2015, users of Google products in the EU and UK are required to disclose and obtain consent for cookie use and personal data collection. Users must keep consent records,  disclose parties using personal data and provide clear revocation instructions. The policy requires advertisers to adhere to the company’s dedication to responsible advertising practices – keeping users and brands happy.   

As of the start of 2024, Google began enhancing the enforcement of EU UCP for audience and measurement solutions. Advertisers must send verified consent to Google to ensure campaigns produce the intended results. 

A pivotal change also includes Google’s introduction of Consent Mode V2, aimed to revolutionise access to user cookie preferences. Brands were encouraged to adopt these mandatory changes in March this year.

Google Consent Mode V2 will ultimately alter data tracking, enabling websites to create bespoke Google tags based on user consent. Depending on whether consent is granted, Google tags will adjust accordingly, either continuing with standard data collection or through a restricted mode to safeguard user privacy.

If you need support adopting these changes for your business or you have any questions, get in touch and we’d be happy to help.



