What’s new, hot, what to try or look out for? 

It’s clear AI is leading the way in 2024, particularly when it comes to customer-personalisation and bespoke experiences but what else is on the cards? Let’s take a look at what’s hot and what to look out for…

Listening out for voice search optimisation. With convenience at its core, content strategies are having to adapt to match voice search preferences with both long-form questions and keywords. 

Cookies are changing. Aligning with consumer privacy, a big shift for marketers is how we track advertising through third-party cookies but don’t panic. These changes are currently in the initial testing phase for Google and you can stay up to date with the changes here

Environmental consciousness has been an ongoing trend for the last few years, however, 2024 is likely to be the year marketing efforts need to level up to meet the competition. Large organisations like Google are committing to net zero goals, setting the standard high for delivery. Consumers are seeking transparency, enabling more sustainable and ethical marketing.

Social media stories are continuing to dominate platforms, particularly on Instagram and Snapchat. Why? Because they offer content that is both engaging and fresh, ideal for brands to share real-time updates and glimpses of their personality and values. Optimise your stories to showcase your business, tease exciting news, and drive engagement. 

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