E-mail marketing or e-marketing as is it commonly known is a form of direct marketing which uses email as a means of communicating with a selected audience. The purpose of sending e-marketing campaigns is to enhance a business’s relationship with its current, previous or potential customers to encourage customer loyalty and repeat business. e-marketing gives businesses of any size access to the mass market at a much more affordable price than other forms of advertising.

Global capabilities – an email can reach anyone in the world who has an email account (approximately 1.3 billion people). This allows you to find new markets and compete globally for little expense.

Lower cost – a properly planned and effectively targeted e-marketing campaign can reach the right customers at a much lower cost than traditional marketing methods.

Measurable results – e-marketing makes it easier to establish how effective your campaign has been. You can obtain detailed information about customers’ responses such as how many people open the email, click through and time spent reading the email.

Around the clock – with an email, your customers can read your campaign at a time to suit them.

Personalisation – e-marketing campaigns are easy to design and change, depending on what you want to promote, allowing you to tailor each campaign to suit a specific customer base.

One-to-one marketing – e-marketing lets you reach people who want to know about your products and services instantly. Many people now have SMART mobile phones and carry them wherever they go.

DDesign-led campaigns – e-marketing lets you create interactive campaigns using beautiful design, photos, music, graphics and videos – whatever you think will best suit your customer.

Better conversion rate – if you are sending e-campaigns to encourage people to use your website, then your customers are only ever a few clicks away from completing a purchase or finding out more about a particular event.

An e-marketing campaign is a great way to promote your business, get measurable results and reach big audiences at minimal cost.