Phubbing! The recently recognised etiquette faux par of Phubbing is causing a stir on the net, and not just because it’s a euphonic word, it has a (relatively) serious definition; the act of snubbing someone in a social setting by looking at your phone instead paying attention.

The ‘Stop Phubbing’ campaign was created only a month ago by 23-year-old Australian Alex Haigh, and is fast becoming a global movement. It’s no coincidence Phubbing accompanies the sharp rise in smart phones and Social Media. Even the most conservative people are uploading pictures of their dinner on Facebook, and posting selfies on Instagram.

I’m actually surprised this term has only been about for a month as it’s something I’ve been guilty of since I purchased my first iPhone 3 years ago.  I simply can’t be in any social setting without clutching my phone tightly, so it’s no surprise according to if Phubbing were a plague it would decimate 6 Chinas, 87% of teens would rather text than talk face to face and the average restaurant will see 36 cases of Phubbing during a dinner session. Stop Phubbing campaigners have even created downloadable posters to help eliminate Phubbing, with slogans such as ‘Leave your phone in your pocket and have a chat with the real world’ and ‘while you finish updating your status, we’ll gladly serve the polite person behind you’.

Phubbing has been drastically labelled by etiquette advisors ‘The end of social civilisation’

A bit harsh perhaps, but it has completely changed the way we now socialise, our general manners whilst out with friends and the fact that there is rarely an element of surprise when telling friends about what you’ve been up to, stories now are getting reciprocated with comments like “yeah I saw it on Facebook!!”.

So where do we go from here? Well I know after reading about Phubbing, I am totally guilty of it, therefore pledge to curb my usage whilst out with friends and family. And hopefully by reading this article you too will think twice about using your phone whilst out having a romantic meal, or queuing for a coffee in Starbucks. Although I shall be posting this on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn, and in due course I shall be checking for likes, comments and shares etc. So my Phubbing fast will have to start next week, a bit like my diet…