LinkedIn is a key place for businesses to communicate and advertise and is quickly gaining popularity. LinkedIn has recently updated the profile design for premium members giving them more for their moneys worth. The re-design will give a clear incentive for users to upgrade to a premium account if they haven’t already.

Premium members will now be able to post a profile picture twice the size of the standard image. Many businesses claim that a picture is worth a thousand words and this will help express those thousand words with ease.

Customizable headers will now be available to LinkedIn premium members allowing them to post their own images. Now they can upload potentially anything it opens up a lot of opportunity, whether it’s an eye catching bold image or a more informative company logo and contact details. There are many options and it is down to personal style and creativity.

Keywords can now be selected to optimise the premium member’s profile. LinkedIn will suggest the most relevant keywords but the users can select them themselves if they wish. These keywords will not only explain the person/company’s profile but will also help with SEO on LinkedIn, helping the premium members be found.

A new option will be added to let premium members set their profile to be ‘public’ which means all other users can see the profile. This feature could be very useful to help find new customers and in managing relationships.

In addition all LinkedIn premium members will get 90 days worth of who’s viewed your profile. This analytical tool will let you see who has viewed your profile and compare you to first-degree connections in ranks of who has been viewed most.

With all these features available only to premium members now is an excellent time to upgrade. Standing out from the crowd helps us find new customers and comparing analytics to your connections is a useful tool to any business!