According to Hootsuite, Instagram was the most requested social network that customers wanted on their site. So after a long wait they’ve finally partnered with Instagram to allow users to schedule posts and manage their Instagram profiles via Hootsuite, well almost.

There is a problem when it comes to Instagram’s T&Cs as they don’t actually allow a user to upload images via an API, but Hootsuite will just set reminders for users and when they click on the reminder, it will redirect them to the Instagram app and then allow them to post then. Although this causes some limitations with social sharing via Instagram, it does mean that companies can manage accounts on there easier. It allows teams to share a single Instagram account much easier. And it allows marketers to control Instagram campaigns via Hootsuite, alongside other social channels.


Hootsuite have stated that this new collaboration will help customers –

  • Schedule and publish Instagram content
  • Monitor and engage with Instagram audiences
  • Securely share access to Instagram accounts across teams
  • Create team workflows, including assignments and approvals for Instagram

These new features will definitely benefit Hootsuite and Instagram users, in business and marketing terms, it is a step forward into creating a better, easier social media managing tool.

They’ve given their customers the access to schedule and post images for Instagram via their site, combining Facebook and Twitter amongst other social networks to make it easier to manage all from one place.

As one of the many businesses that use Hootsuite for social media management, we highly approve of these new features and can’t wait to see how Hootsuite will improve on this partnership in the future.